Eduardo's Resume

Eduardo Gerent Klein

Auckland, New Zealand

I have experiences ranging from VueJS and AngularJS to messing around with backend on C#.

As a Software Engineer with 5+ years of experience in full-stack development, I have focused on building and maintaining web applications with a strong background in JavaScript and C#. I am constantly seeking to enhance my software development practices, keeping myself updated with the latest trends and technologies in the field.


University Centre Catholic of Santa Catarina - (PUCSC).

Joinville, SC - Brazil

  • Bachelor of Software Engineering
  • 2017 / 2021

Love working with

.NET Environment and some front-end stuff like ReactJs. I love to learn and follow the best software development practices.

Also Like

Full-stack development and other more diverse coding endeavors with the C# programming language.


Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, and C#

Databases: SQL Server

Libs / Frameworks: ReactJs, NextJs, Tailwind CSS, VueJs, xUnit, Moq, Cypress, .NET Core, .NET Framework, Fluent Validation, MediatR and others...

Platforms and Tools: Git, Azure DevOps, Heroku, AWS (Lambda, S3)

Others: CI/CD, APIs REST, Scrum, Kanban, Design Patterns, DDD

Current Learning / Improving Skills: ReactJs, NextJs, TypeScript


Full-stack Developer / Fulltech LTDA / Joinville, SC - Brazil

  • Fulltech is a Fintech focused on the development and application of financial solutions for companies and entrepreneurs. The company works together with BMP Money Plus, a digital bank based in São Paulo, Brazil. As a company, Fulltech guarantees the appropriate technology and infrastructure so that all operations are performed correctly.
  • In my role as a Full-stack Developer at Fulltech, I am responsible for creating high-performance and responsive web solutions, implementing design principles and patterns to ensure optimal user experience. In addition, I have extensive experience in writing tests using xUnit for unit testing, Cypress for end-to-end testing, and working with some AWS services.
  • At Fulltech, I operate using the following tech stack: JavaScript, VueJs, CSS3, C#, .NET Core, API REST, Entity Framework, Dapper, Fluent Validation, MSSQL Server, CQRS, DDD, Azure DevOps, Clean Code, Design Patterns. I also worked with Scrum and Kanban methodologies.
  • 2020 - Current

Full-stack Developer / Docspider Software S.A / Joinville, SC - Brazil

  • Docspider is a banking company that's specialized in technologies and services for regulatory governance, compliance, document management, and automation process for business.
  • The position of Full-stack Developer at Docspider was my first job, and this position given to me involves working directly on the main product and also on custom projects, where the customer can ask for a customized version of the main product. When I joined the company, I worked on system maintenance, fixing bugs or minor changes reported, and implementing new system features.
  • During this experience, I was able to work and build solutions using technologies such as JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, C#, ASP.NET Framework, and MS SQL Server.
  • 2018 - 2020


Portuguese: Native

English: Intermediary (speaking and listening) / Advanced (reading and writing)